Louis Godefroy (1885–1934), French

A French etcher, painter and arts scholar, Louis Godefroy first studied art in Paris under Caro-Delvaille. His first attempts at etching took place in 1905 and his first work of art in this medium was published in 1906. Throughout most of his career, Godefroy’s etchings were published in Paris by Marcel Guiot. A constant traveler, Godefroy etched views of France, Holland, England, New York, Venice, Greece, Turkey, China, Japan, Angkor, Macao and Ceylon. Louis Godefroy was a master of both landscape and architectural views. A central element within all his etchings is his fine rendering of atmospheric effects, particularly light and shade. Louis Godefroy was also an important scholar of the graphic arts and wrote such catalogue raisonne as, L’oeuvre grave de Albert Besnard, (1929), and L’oeuvre grave de Adrien van Ostade (1930). Altogether, Louis Godefroy created slightly under one hundred original etchings.

Louis Godefroy visited Thessaloniki in the period 1917-1923. He made at least two etchings with Salonika cityscapes: “Croquis Pour le Cafe au Platane, Salonika (Salonique), Macedonia 1923 » published in the magazine “The Print Connoisseur «  in April 1923. One example of this etching is on sale at the fine art gallery www.artoftheprint.com,. Another work is “Les fontaine des tziganes (Salonique) » in the collection of the British Museum. The etching with title “Salonique Avril 1917” is in the collection of the author of this lexicon.

Louis Godefroy 1885-1934 Crouis Pur le Cafe au platane Salonique 1923 etching
Louis Godefroy 1885-1934 Crouis Pur le Cafe au platane Salonique 1923 etching
Louis Godefroy 1885-1934 La fontaine des ziganes Salonique-1917
Louis Godefroy 1885-1934 La fontaine des ziganes Salonique-1917
Louis Godefroy 1885-1934 Salonique Avril 1917 etching
Louis Godefroy 1885-1934 Salonique Avril 1917 etching

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Vlatko potpis s

This lexicon is a result of my 15 years long period of researching & documenting the personalities and the artworks of the foreign painters, sculptors, illustrators, and photographers having visited different spots of the geographic territory of Macedonia, there having created works of art there over a 100-years long period i.e. between 1850-1950. Their presence and artwork in the Macedonian milieus represent a notable cultural heritage to the international linkage of the ethnic Macedonians as well as to all the ethnicities living in the picturesque territory of Macedonia and the cultures of modern-day countries spread over parts of the geographic territory of Macedonia. Witnessing the artistic contributions of the foreign artist, we are proud of their Macedonia-themed creative works and experiences. I believe that their artworks, having been inspired and created over the vast region of Macedonia, unite us all in these challenging times, and under the facts and the values of the artistic beauty.

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